Essential fatty acids are vital to health and longevity. They are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. As healthy as they are supposed to be, most of us could greatly improve the quality and longevity of our lives with omega-3s.
Degeneration of connective tissues and cartilage; development of gout; cardiovascular infections related to excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids; obesity and chronic fatigue syndrome; depression and other neurological disorders; and many more.
Food sources:Plant sources:Flax; Fish resources:Wild salmon,.; sardines, mackerel, etc.
Why we do not eat fish:Most medical experts advise that we limit our intake of fatty fish because of the high level of toxins they harbor. This includes mercury, arsenic, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs. The FDA recommends a limited weekly consumption of fish.
Consumption of pure fish oil is un Suggested for weekly consumption by Healthy People because fish contains approximately 2 percent of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and 20 percent DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids are lesser -and more cost-effective -such as ground flax seed, flax seed oil, canola oil, walnuts, scallops, oysters and halibut.
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that have liquid electrons that give an electrical charge to the fatty acids. These electrons give the fatty acids their pinkish-red appearance and their name.
There are different kinds of Essential Fatty Acids. The 3r, 9r and 13r fatty acids are the ones most frequently consumed for their seed-like nutritive value in human diets.
Is omega-3s nature’s “feel-good” nutrient?
Since all of us have one common diet, it is reasonable to assume that our bodies have been designed to process certain types of foods with high nutritive value, and extract the chemicals necessary to form the simple compounds that are needed for normal metabolism.
Essential fatty acids were not discovered until early in the twentieth century. Today, research and more public knowledge about the harsh effects of modern food refinement and excessive heat processing have led many consumers to the addition of omega-3s to their dietary Role oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease are now Medal of the scientific community.
Although omega-3s do not cure any disease, their discovery suggests new avenues for drug development. There are a number of ongoing trials involving the addition of omega-3s to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Fish oil supplements and possibly statin drugs are the subject of numerous ongoing studies.
Essential fatty acids are produced less by our bodies when we are stressed. Studies have shown that post-stress periods often herald the onset of chronic disease. During times of stress, production of EPA and DHA is compromised. This led scientists to explore the link between omega-3 intake and the regulation of stress.
Since the 1950s, evidence has been mounting that essential fatty acids help control stress and are pro-active in the prevention of heart disease and other degenerative disorders. In 1999, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was passed to encourage the use of dietary supplements to prevent diseases.
How essential fatty acids help lower blood pressure
When individuals have normal blood pressure, although there may be a slight increase or decrease, they do not cause worry since it is a normal side effect of living. However, when the pressure is higher, or lower when stress is present, this acts as a signal to supplementing the diet.
Stress has been shown to increase the Sinai 1 insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels in individuals whose diets contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Sinai 1 is a protein that is located in destructive ends of chromosomes. Its main function is to detect and interference with DNA replication.
A new research from the University of California, San Francisco, scientists showed that omega-3s stop the damage in the brain, which is a signals a great advance in Alzheimers research.
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease which affects people over 65. It involves preserving a protective protein around brain cells known as neuronal cell membrane. Everyone has some amount of neuronal cell membrane since it is believed that the integrity of these membranes are essential for proper brain function.
A research from the Laboratory of Vital Pathogenesis show that DHA significantly reversed lacks of neuronal membrane and cognitive decline in middle-aged and elderly individuals. A, calcium/magnesium or DHA/calcium supplementation is used to correct any neuronal defect.
Calcium/magnesium products are more likely to be contaminated by heavy metals, such as lead and mercury.

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